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What is Markdown

Markdown was developed by John Gruber and released in 2004 it is a popular way of adding formatting such as headers, lists, emphasis, blockquotes, links to URLs and images, and more to a plain text document. It was originally designed to be an easy alternative to HTML, but has gained popularity as a way to write structured content, organise notes, quickly create to-do lists, and much more. Markdown is easily used for colabaritive builds. It’s basis on plain text and the use of special characters to controle atributes and layout makes it an easy to use syntax for novices .


  • Markdown is a faster less complicated then Html
  • Markdown uses simplistic “plain text” using special characters to modify the format.
  • The format attributes of Manrkdown can be be easily expressed on a single page.


  • The degree of manipulation is less precise then html
  • at this stage in my education a I have limited information
  • There are a number of small issues that made it hard to port - Markdown between sites and versions. ref

Here are some nice refrences have found for both advantage and Disadvantage.

